Antonello Anzani

A lifelong journey.
l’arte dell’ostinazione.

Theatrical shows that are experiences, songs that are slices of life in music, stories full of intensity. This and much more is Antonello Anzani...

As for any self-respecting artist, his art – in this specific case music and writing – it is the cast of its very existence: continuous experimentation, an infinite get involved. His ideas are like a raging river that destroys all the banks in its path: unstoppable. Setbacks don't scare him, indeed they fuel him by becoming the engine of his obstinacy, innate yes, but developed over the years.

For too long he has been a victim of what he calls "serial discouragement", an attitude typical of his native land – an incredible place in many ways, but desolating for others – from which he escaped twice: the first, in youth, it gave him knowledge and collaborations that he carried with him and put to good use throughout his life; the second, at a more mature age, after returning to his city and remaining there for over twenty years. In both cases, Rome was the destination city.

He managed to emancipate himself from the worst periods by slipping out of the quicksand of resignation, attempting new paths and new forms of expression, experimenting with the technologies that have always fascinated him.

Theatrical shows that are experiences, songs which are excerpts of life in music, stories full of intensity. This and much more is Antonello Anzani: an artist at 360°, stubborn and resilient, who turns his natural inclination to discovery into a philosophy of life.

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